Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Divorce: Victoria ... - Huffington Post

2 seconds ago (11:58 AM)

Can someone tell me how a B list (now A list) actress managed to play one of the most powerful men in Hollywood for a fool?

And to think...he jumped on Oprah's couch. That at least should of bought him a divorce orchestrated to look like it was mutual.

She used all the divorce filler's momentum to her advantage.

Her divorce lawyer daddy is a genius. He helped her find East coast lawyers to gain parental rights, provided disposable cell phones, and helped turn Katie into a victim.

Not too shabby Katie. She hired a new body guard service that was ready to jump into action, had her new apartment ready, waited until Tom was in Iceland so he didn't have time to react. Returning to your church and old acting agency was smart.

Wow Katie, after the performance you put on Tom, nobody can tell you that you don't have talent. In fact, the only one who couldn't see what was happening was your mark (NICE).

She didn't leave him a shred of dignity, crushed her opponent COMPLETELY. She has the media believing he's a unhinged fanatic. And all right before his birthday (that's cold)!

Katie I'm curious...did you think this plan through when you were on Tom's private jet or living in one of his mansions?

Kidman couldn't have planned it better. Finally, Katie immediately used the fame she got from Tom's name to boost her career.

Well played "Ms." Homes...well played indeed...

Theanswer007: Can someone tell me how a B list (now A

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41 minutes ago (11:17 AM)

A British tabloid claims she turned to a British celebrity. Yeah, no bias there.

Why would she turn to Victoria Beckham when the Beckhams have been friends with Tom Cruise all along? If she went to the extent of buying disposable phones and firing all her staff, I doubt she'd turn to someone in his circle for support.

argh38: A British tabloid claims she turned to a British celebrity.

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1 hour ago (10:44 AM)

it would appear that divorce has done wonders for ms. holmes career.

Robert_McKay: it would appear that divorce has done wonders for ms.

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19 minutes ago (11:40 AM)

I'm sure it's all just a coincidence (eyes rolling)...

Theanswer007: I'm sure it's all just a coincidence (eyes rolling)...

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16 minutes ago (11:42 AM)

as it did for Ms. Kidman who got her first Oscar nom the same year, became one of Hollywood's highest earning actresses (second to Julia), highest paid commercial (4mil/min for Chanel No.5) charted singer (her duet with Robbie Williams,etc in UK) successful producer etc and marrying someone who allows her to wear heels. Her higher rise seemingly catapulted from the divorce. Why wouldn't Ms. Holmes consult her on how to rise after cutting loose that deadweight?
Mimi Rodgers no but she's still in CoS.

DessLoch: as it did for Ms. Kidman who got her first

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2 hours ago (10:28 AM)

Will someone, anyone..... PLEASE tell me what happened to all that LOVE he expressed on The O Show !

mother10: Will someone, anyone..... PLEASE tell me what happened to all

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2 hours ago (10:26 AM)

I'm pretty sure the truth on this will never find the light of day at HP or any other sleaze tabloid that makes its way with slander, inuendo, and slur. Listen to yourselves, read these comments as if you just landed back home from a well rested vacation; the vile, hate, and accusal with absolutely no facts to back up any assertion, is disgusting and more indictative of the writers than anything Tom or Katie could have done. Divorce is ugly enough, divorce in the eyes of a critical and seething mob thirsting for reprisal is worse. I now see what Jesus faced when he was sentenced to death. Guilty of what? (Showing Rome that violence begat more violence) Yet Christ was violently dismissed by an angry crowd. He forgave them for their ignorance. Would any of you forgive if put in the same spot?

rjnod80: I'm pretty sure the truth on this will never find

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2 hours ago (10:25 AM)

that is a good close up picture of Katie, she looks very pretty in it

mother10: that is a good close up picture of Katie, she

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photo Iwpach

What did I step in this time?

3 hours ago ( 9:12 AM)

If you believe The Beckhams are being groomed to enter the Scientology fold. I guess that didn't work out,eh?

Iwpach: If you believe The Beckhams are being groomed to

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Jack Davies

orange rabblerousing radical moderate!

2 hours ago (10:08 AM)

It wasn't just Cracked, and yes, Tom was gunning for them hard.

Haha Tom! They saw yr BS!

Jack_Davies: It wasn't just Cracked, and yes, Tom was gunning for

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2 hours ago (10:26 AM)

so did Will and Jada !

mother10: so did Will and Jada !

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3 hours ago ( 9:01 AM)



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2 hours ago (10:26 AM)

yes, and they told her to run fast away from Tom !

mother10: yes, and they told her to run fast away from

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48 minutes ago (11:10 AM)

Yes, they put her in direct contact with Nicole. ;-)

Stephen_Thorpe: Yes, they put her in direct contact with Nicole. ;-)

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photo Madelaine

Psychotherapist; researcher; advocate-human rights

3 hours ago ( 8:52 AM)

Whomever advised Katie seems to have done a fine job!

Madelaine: Whomever advised Katie seems to have done a fine job!

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3 hours ago ( 8:50 AM)

She really does look happier than she has in years. Based on how she had to escape, I'm guessing that there was abuse going on in that house. At least emotional abuse and extreme control.

trisha08: She really does look happier than she has in years.

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2 hours ago (10:27 AM)

He's short !

mother10: He's short !

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3 hours ago ( 8:44 AM)

So let me get this straight. Katie signs a contract to marry Tom and I'm sure there was a ton of money involved. She fulfilled contract and now after the divorce her popularity has sky rocketed and she richer and has all these movies now lined up and my question is...why would we fill sorry for her when this was planned out from the start. What some people wont do for money.

Dirty_Sanchez: So let me get this straight. Katie signs a contract

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3 hours ago ( 8:46 AM)

They had a prenup. Where are you getting your info that she got money.

trisha08: They had a prenup. Where are you getting your info

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3 hours ago ( 8:50 AM)

Here on the Huff they had stated a source that they had a contract which I'm sure had money involved. I'm sure there was a prenup along with the contract so he wouldn't be taken to the cleaners.

Dirty_Sanchez: Here on the Huff they had stated a source that

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3 hours ago ( 8:42 AM)

I understand Holmes is rejoining the Catholic Church. Given her secret coordination to set up her divorce, including the use of disposable cell phones, she shouldn't have any problem fitting right back in since secrecy seems to be highly favored by the church.

moboyle110: I understand Holmes is rejoining the Catholic Church. Given her

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3 hours ago ( 8:42 AM)

A British tabloid says it so.
Seems legit.

Renraku_Fortyk: A British tabloid says it so. Seems legit.

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3 hours ago ( 8:35 AM)

Oh boy, isn't fun to care about people you don't even know.

Huntingtonbeachboy: Oh boy, isn't fun to care about people you don't

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2 hours ago ( 9:47 AM)

and you clicked on the story because?

somebody9191: and you clicked on the story because?

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4 hours ago ( 8:15 AM)

Cruise better pray that his three ex-wives don't get together and write a tell-all book about him.

gsapples: Cruise better pray that his three ex-wives don't get together

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