Thursday, March 8, 2012

Governments should not rule but only execute ... - Society - EzineMark

Governments everywhere in the world rule. They decide for the people. They make their own politices and then dectate it to the rest of the society. They are parasites on the people. They are cancerous tumurs feeding like draculas on the millions of citizens. They are the the plague of societies and?the menace for world populations. They do not consult anybody, but cook their own meals and push it down the throughts of everybody. They are pain in the body of the people and a thorn in the hearts, to be generous in expression.

They form and shape opinions and give no chance to the people to decide. They execute the will of rulers and leaders. They are out to dominate and are so pleased in feeding their egos by their power, their influence and their dictates.

Under democracies they are the ones who make-decisions and under tyrannies they are the ones decide.

The power system called differently but the power game is one and the same. Rulers and ruled. A handful of power mongers decide for the bulk of the people their lives, their policial policies, their economic planning, their soical structure. They are destiny makers.

Revolt and you are alone, an outcast, a marginal, a parasite on the system. Any miscontent results in a crackdown, whether in Washington or new York, in London and Paris, in Beril or Rome, in Madrid of Hong Kong, In Cairo or Damascus. You end up crushed under the feet of the horses, of the dogs of the Sultans. Rulers through their governments do not want the people to have a say. They abhor anybody else but them making any decisions. Peoples are nothing but sublissive flocks of sheep, in most cases people become mice and cockroaches.

People are the foundation of all societies. Without people there is no society, there is no poltiics, there is no power. Without people there is no economy, and there is no social gathering. Governments know this very well. They claim they are chosen by the people. But, in act, they are the gladiator of peoples. They claim they are the legitimate power representing the masses, but, in fact, they are parasites working only for self-glory, for self- position and for self-power.

The only function of governments is administrate they will of the people, the source of power. The only reason for their being is to execute what the people decide. When governments govern then two bodies of people emerge. The ruler and the ruled, the dominator and the dominated, the power and the the over-powered. Government are the elites who dominate the whole peoples.? When?societies create governments they sign their suicide form. When societies submit themselves to governments societies become slaves and numbers on the register ot governments.

The primordela function of any government is not to make recisions, and not to execute the will of the ruler or leader ( who is another parasite figure living on the body of society) but to implement the will of the people. It is not the will of the few clique of parasites on societies, who are as ignorant as their leaders, but it is the will of the people.

The rising of Obama, Putin, Sarkozy and Merkel as well as Jintao and the little squirel descendant of the Kim Il Sung dynasity, to power, is not the fault of their superiority complexes but it is the fault of the system. The system that advocates representation or power forsakes the rights and responsibilities of every single citizen to decide in the making of his decisions. If citizens want to be human, with their human and legitimate rights, they are the ones who should decide.

The representative system and the forced system, of rule, of dominance, of dictatorship leads to the deprivation of the rights of the people. It leads to the ecnomic ruin of societies like in the USA, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland. It is when parasites like the leaders and rulers come to the decision making position that political policies are but ruin to the people. it is always the people who pay the bill for their rulers. It is always the society members who are sent to their death and they are the ones who pay taxes and provide for social privileges.

Where would leaders and governments get their power from if there are no people? Where would rulers and governments fond the funds of their economy if there are no people? But peoples have always been used and misused all the time throughout world's history for executing the will of the ruler and his parasite clique of ignorants.

Why should socities erect rulers and governments and submit themselves to their will!!

It is the function of the government to be administrative and governing. It is the function of the government to seek the will and decision of the people and then to implement it, Nothing more and Nothing less.

Are not there any referendums to be applied? Of course are! In our modern times, one day is sufficient enough to ask the people for their opinion. In our fast and immediate facilities of modern means we are able to make announce our opinions quickly enough to make policies and decide on issues.

War and peace are the major issues that only people must decide. No one else must take the decision. It is the people who offer their persons to be sacrified at the altar of the state. First concerned are the people themselves and not the rulers. Rulers and their parasite governments do not go to the battle but send their slaves and their lackeys to the battle, to be slain, for the honor of their country. But is is precisely that such honor is provided by the people and hence the people must decide on it and not the parasite governors of societies.

It is the people who make the economy and not the clique elite at the top, for it the real manpower is the people and not the rulers. The people offer themselves to make the state economy but rulers and governments feed on it.

How more can you have of a parasite body living like cancer on your will and your front head sweat.

Did you see how Obama, Netenyahu, Sarkozy, Putin, Merkel, Ahmadi najad and?a host of other megalomaniacs of?world leaders(special?homage is made to?Arab rulers?and Africans, not to forget central and South Amercia)?behave? Sultans and Pharaohs in their own rights. They snatch?peoples' rights and live in? palaces provided by the people themselves and decide for you your life, your income, your destiny. Why not! You gave them the chance to be what they are! So do not blame Hitler, but blame yourself to applaud and hail Hitler !!

Seven Billions of little cockroaches and mice creep under the feet of the mighty two hundred rulers in the world and their little moppet shows of clique govrnments, while you and the rest of your fellow-citizens bow down and say Amen!

It is when humans bow down to God only and not to?Hitler that they start wakening up and demand their rights and responsibilities!?

Read more about these? factual themes and contribute your own opinion to establish social justice in world societies in the journal of direct democracy and God.


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