Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Keep Learning Keep Smiling ? Food And Love

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Fresh strawberries from the garden

Fresh strawberries from the garden

These past few weeks had not been too bad. In fact it has been surprisingly beautiful most of the time. It?s a real frustration not to be out and about but to stay at home, hopping around on crutches. But then not all is bad. I had the time of my life watching The French Open and The Queen?s tennis competition on TV. Wimbledon tennis is here now and soon will be London Olympics. Olympics trial is also here. Had just finished watching the Royal Ascot horse racing over the weekend. Then of course I am always very thankful for my blog and all the friends that I made through blogging.

I must say I have never felt so much cared and loved by so many people around, especially my friends here. Every now and then I am surprised with delicious food delivered to my home. There are some that I forgot to take pictures?.*sigh*. Also, there are too many to upload here. You can see that I am very well fed?..*big smiles*. I sure need LOTS of exercise when I can get back on my feet. Having said that, hopping around on my crutches is seriously no joke. It is very tiring! It?s also about balancing act which I am still not too good at. I should have learned some acrobatics before?..haha.

There?s one special friend that really touched my heart! She called almost everyday and she even came by bus which took her at least an hour to get here. Once she brought all the ingredients and cooked here. We had a most wonderful time chatting and laughing. I was so touched by her love! She cooked fried egg noodles, fried rice noodles and a sweet dessert drink and a lot of other goodies.

Delicious fried noodles

Delicious fried noodles

Fried rice noodles

Fried rice noodles

Sweet dessert drink

Sweet dessert drink

Delicious Scottish smoked salmon

Delicious Scottish smoked salmon

One of the best food that she bought which I had never tried before was the smoked salmon?.a big piece! It was absolutely delicious eaten with rice or added to salad. She told me she bought it from Costco.

Not only that,?her teenage son even played guitar to entertain me! I feel so honoured?*big smiles*. That?s so sweet of him. He had just taken up guitar and I am really so happy for him, proud that he is willing to learn.

Rice dumplings or 'zhang'

Rice dumplings or 'zhang'

Delicious meat rice dumplings ('bak zhang')

Delicious meat rice dumplings

On another occasion, she made rice dumplings and asked a friend to bring to my house. It has been a LONG time since I last ate one. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to eat them. They were really delicious. My family liked it very much. It was dumpling festival on 23 June and I heard that glutinous rice and dried bamboo leaves which are needed to make these dumplings were all sold out in the Chinese supermarket!

Those back home in Malaysian and other Asian countries are very lucky. You can buy them from the shop any time but not over here in Aberdeen. We have to make if we want to eat. In a way it is good because we learn how to make a lot of food that we miss. This is really the place where I have learned a LOT of cooking and baking?.*big smiles*.

Beautiful and delicious chocolate pizza

Beautiful and delicious chocolate pizza

Another food surprise was Chocolate Pizza. My gosh?..I have never seen such a BIG piece of chocolate. Must be 12 inches across. It?s so beautiful and tastes really good. Worth all the calories?.*wink*

Salmon in sauce

Salmon in sauce

Steamed meat dumplings (or 'bao zhi')

Steamed meat dumplings

Pork rib soup

Pork rib soup

One day, my door bell rang. Oh wow?.so surprised to see a dear young friend at the door with a bag of hot food for my lunch. Her mom cooked the food. That was the best lunch that I had after my leg injury. Everything tasted so delicious. We had salmon, dumplings (boa zhi) and pork rib soup (pictures here above). I ate a big plate of rice?..*big smiles*

Roasted duck wrap

Roasted duck wrap

On another occasion, I received a phone call from a friend. She said she was coming with roasted duck, her signature dish. Oh, I really love her roasted duck. It?s simply the best. Immediately, I told myself I need Chinese pancakes to make duck wraps?.mmm. My girl helped me to make the pancakes. We enjoyed it very much. My family always love duck wrap. It?s so fun to eat. I kept the bones for making rice porridge. Nothing is wasted!

Rhubarb pie

Rhubarb pie

Looks like most of the food are savoury. But no, wait. A friend came by with rhubarb and almond pie. It must have been fresh from the oven and straight to my house. It was still very warm when she came. That was one of the best pie that I have ever eaten! We almost finished the whole pie after she left. I never knew rhubarb makes such a wonderful pie. My family liked it very much. I have to learn how to make it. She had just given me the recipe??.yay. She told me I can use apples or pears to replace the rhubarb if I want to.

Chocolate mint cheesecake

Chocolate mint cheesecake

I also received a cheese cake. It?s the biggest cheesecake I have seen! Must be 12 inches across. It?s chocolate mint cheesecake. It?s very rich but very delicious. I love mint so I really like this cheesecake.

Another lovely friend came straight from the strawberry farm with a basket of very fresh strawberries! (first picture on top). They went there for strawberry picking. Awww?how I miss that! The strawberries were so delicious?mmm. I actually had them for dinner?*big smiles*. Maybe that?s the way to losing weight?.haha.

Other friends came with food to join me for lunch or tea time. So, you can see how happy I am! I feel so loved, cared for and so pampered. It sure makes my days pass by quicker. I?m just really so thankful to all my friends, and of course my family too.

My girls and hubby had been giving me a lot of surprises with some of their cooking skills. But I must say, my hubby chickened out after a few days. Reason?.he lose out to the girls?.haha. Well, actually by the time he gets home from work, dinner is already there. Lucky man huh!

Life is no fun if I keep receiving and eating only. I had learned to fight my way into the kitchen to cook and bake if I can, with lots of my influencing and negotiation skills of course?.*grin*. Actually I end up more like begging until I won??haha. My girls know that a bored mom is a dangerous mom and a happy mom recovers faster!

I?m really happy that I was able to make quite a few delicious food, with lots of help from my girls. They have been fantastic. I think it?s very good because it?s hands-on training for them. I am just so proud of myself that I can still cook and bake. Won?t show here. You have to come back?*wink*. I won?t make you wait long though. Will be back very soon to show you what I made and also the recipes.

Till then, see you in my next post. Hope you have a great start to a new week.

Quote of the day??

?There are no real successes without rejection. The more rejection you get, the better you are, the more you?ve learned, the closer you are to your outcome? If you can handle rejection, you?ll learn to get everything you want.?

- Anthony Robbins

Keep Learning Keep Smiling

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