Saturday, June 30, 2012

Google announces Google Compute Engine - virtual Linux servers in the Google cloud

Compute Engine

Ever need more processing power than you currently have? Google has announced a solution for that problem with Google Compute Engine. The service was rumored to arrive this week at Google I/O, and we're glad to see it. Granted, you probably won't need something of this scale for your personal needs, but if you need "big iron" to run your apps (the demo was mapping the human genome with 600,000 CPU cores!). 

This is all done with virtual Linux servers running in Google's cloud. The hardware itself stays in some data center facility, and users (that's folks like you and me) log in remotely and do things like perform heavy math, run huge databases, or build Android ROMs. Virtual servers can do anything you could do locally.

The one thing missing here is the price. Google promises these will be competitive, but didn't throw out any numbers just yet. This isn't surprising, as an enterprise service like this is usually negotiated a bit. What we do know is that this will put Google directly in competition with Amazon on a whole new level, and we're excited to see how competition drives innovation!

Don't miss any of out Google I/O news!



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