Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mexicans wonder why drug war didn't make the debate

Mitt Romney?s single mention of Latin America last night, calling it a ?huge opportunity" for the United States, generated immediate glee from Latin Americanists across Twitter ? but the hemisphere got no nod from President Obama, and then both went silent on the topic.

Given that the final presidential debate Monday evening was dominated by the Middle East and terrorism, most of the world was left out by President Obama and Mr. Romney. That includes the whole of Europe and its debt crisis. India. South Africa. And not a single mention of any country in Latin America or the Caribbean: neither Cuba specifically, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, nor Peru. (Read a transcript here.)

That means no candidate talked about the drug trade, despite historic violence playing out in Mexico, much of it along the 2,000-mile border that the US shares. They did not talk about energy policy in the Americas. Or the economies of Brazil and Mexico.

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The debate opened with promise for Latin America ? with moderator Bob Schieffer referring to the 50th anniversary of the disclosure that the Soviet Union had missiles in Cuba. But he did not pose a question about it or anything else in the region, which observers say was a clear missed opportunity ? even if hardly surprising.

?In a broader foreign policy context, we have to begin to mainstream the Americas,? says Eric Farnsworth, vice president of the Council of the Americas, a consultancy based in New York. ?Brazil is an important international player, not just a Latin American player.? Latin America is of rising importance in the world, [we should have been hearing how the candidates] would work with Brazils, and Mexicos, and Colombias.?

Romney mentioned Latin America in the context of how to boost employment at home. ?Trade grows about 12 percent year. It doubles about every ? every five or so years. We can do better than that, particularly in Latin America,? he said. ?The opportunities for us in Latin America we have just not taken advantage of fully. As a matter of fact, Latin America's economy is almost as big as the economy of China. We're all focused on China. Latin America is a huge opportunity for us ? time zone, language opportunities.?

But Obama did not respond. And the only other mention of the region came once again from Romney, who mentioned Venezuela?s President Hugo Chavez and Cuba?s Fidel Castro as part of a list of the world?s ?worst actors? whom Obama has failed to meet with, he said, despite promises to do so.

Obama has remained popular across Latin America and is favored among Hispanic voters in the US. But some of that support abroad has slipped. In a Pew poll released in June, 39 percent of Mexicans said they approved of Obama?s international policies. That fell from 56 percent in 2009. (Here is the poll.)

Much of that slide could be pegged to record deportations of undocumented immigrants under Obama, although in a huge move this year he gave a reprieve to many undocumented migrants who were brought to the US as children.

While immigration is the topic that Latin America perhaps cares most about, few expected the politically charged issue to feature at the presidential debate. Still, there was hope that the growing role that places such as Brazil and Colombia play in the energy sector would be mentioned. And if nothing else, the drug-fueled violence plaguing Mexico and Central America right now.

Mexican journalist Leon Krauze wrote in a widely shared Tweet: ?Mexico, a country facing 100,000 deaths, neighbor to the United States, didn't deserve one single mention tonight. A disgrace.?

Mexican academic Sergio Aguayo added, using a more commonly cited figure for Mexican deaths: ?They talk about a humanitarian tragedy in Syria (30,000 deaths) and still don?t say anything about Mex (some 60,000). Will they??

They did not. When asked what the greatest future security threat was to the US, no one mentioned Mexico. Obama cited ?terrorist networks,? while Romney mentioned a ?nuclear Iran.?

Latin American observers were just as befuddled as those in Latin America. ?As George W. Bush rightly said, Mexico is the US's most important bilateral relationship. A presidential debate should focus on whether the United States is doing enough ??? ?and doing the right things ? to assist Mexico [and Central America] deal with its drug-fueled crime and violence,? says Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue. ?If the US is not prepared to do everything possible to stand up for its closest neighbors and allies, then how could it have a credible foreign policy more broadly??

RELATED: How much do you know about Mexico? Take our quiz!

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/60-000-dead-mexicans-wonder-why-drug-war-141857504.html

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