Sunday, December 18, 2011

Into the night. (IC)

Koda wandered breifly what was going through the Alpha's head. Allowing a human to watch them, it was risky, and he did not like risks very much.

"Keep up runt!" Snarled a large female wolf in front of him, her pelt thick and rich brown, her amber gold eyes glaring at him. Koda knew that not many in the pack respected, nor liked him, wich was why he flattened his ears and tucked his tail between his back legs in a submissive way, nodding to the older and more experianced wolf. "Sorry Nisha." she merely shot another glare at him, speeding up to catch up with the rest of the pack.

Koda didnt know what the problem was, he was nice enough, and even if he was a bit timid and sometimes acted bossy he was still kind to the other pack members. In fact, them treating him so bad had started making him more timid and afraid to speak out against the wishes of the alpha, who most of the time made questionable descisions.

"Koda!" Nisha growled again, breaking him from his thoughts and taking him back to reality just a second before he ran into a tree. "Sorry!" he answered lamely, ducking his head and moving away from the tree, the rough bark brushing against the multitude of gray and black fur in his pelt. He was quiet different from most of the other wolves, apperance wise, and personality wise.

While his pelt was lighter, and not as thick, as well as many shades of gray, mixed with black flecks and a white underbelly. Others were darker coated, dark gray, or black, or even rich brown. His eyes were much different as well, they were blue, while the others were amber, gold, or a mix of green, yet he had never seen another wolf with blue eyes.

He sighed, the night drawing on and on, the song of his fellow pack floating through the air. They were out on a hunt, but he knew that there would be no place for him to do anything, none of the others really let him help out in hunts. So as silently as he could he slipped away, heading deeper into a part of the forest that was mostly secluded, as he was a fairly new wolf he was just beggining to grasp how to change back and forth at will, but still hadnt perfected it.

Instead of attempting the long process of trying to change back he settled down between two bushes, stretching out onto the ground before curling up into a tight ball, resting his tail over his nose as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

That morning when Koda woke up he was met by the sound and smell of a human. His light pelt stuck up at odd angles, his soft blue eyes startled as he stood quickly, trying to find where the human was.

Indeed, Koda was not very experiances with humans, but he knew better then to go near them, escpecially if he was still stuck in his wolf body. When Koda saw that the human was not too far away he hunkered back down into the bushes, flattening himself against the ground and keeping most of him hidden, all but a small part of his head, wich poked out to watch the human girl wearily.


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