Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Audit Commission: City Finance Department Processes Need ...

The internal audit commission, after completing an audit of the Hartford Finance Department?s Revenue Management Unit, found that policies and procedures in the unit and department in general ?needed improvement.?

In a 12-page report that surfaced after 5 p.m. on Monday, Chief City Auditor H. Patrick Campbell said the review was meant to ?evaluate and test internal accounting and operating controls, the accuracy and propriety of transactions processed, the degree of compliance with established operating policy and procedures and to recommend improvements required.? Auditors reviewed transactions (cash receipts, daily deposits, etc.), procedures, policies and accounts in the department.

?In general we found that policies, procedures and controls relating to a number of key revenue processes ? were either not fully documented and/or needed improvement,? Campbell wrote in the report.

You can read the full report here:?DepartmentRevenueManagementUnitAccountsandOperationsAudit

We?ll have more on this tomorrow.

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