Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Warrior Beat | Investing in UH football | UH football, University of ...

We all know someone who wants to let you know about a great investment. No obligations. Honest. Just a little of your time.

Punahou running back Steven Lakalaka and Kamehameha safety Taylor Taliulu listened, and yesterday both decided to invest in the Warrior plan. In doing so, they rescinded pledges to Pac-12 schools ? Lakalaka to UCLA, Taliulu to Washington State.

"Steven and I are really good friends," Taliulu said. "We were talking about it. We thought it would be cool to show everyone we're serious about Hawaii football. We can change this place around."

Taliulu had been set on going away. After completing his UH trip yesterday, he evaluated his offers.

"I felt home would be the best place for me to get a scholarship and try to be the best player I can be," Taliulu said. "I think coach Chow has a really good coaching staff. I feel I can gain the best knowledge from them."

Lakalaka expressed an interest in medicine. During his visit, Chow and assistant coach Keith Uperesa took Lakalaka to the John Burns Medical School. They met with professors and other students.

"That meant a lot," Lakalaka said.

The message: Many of the ?things on the mainland can be found in Hawaii.

Lakalaka and Taliulu then discussed their situation.

"We talked about USC and UCLA, and their traditions," Lakalaka said. "Somebody had to start it. We wanted to be part of starting a tradition."

* * * * *



Source: http://warriorbeat.staradvertiserblogs.com/2012/01/30/investing-in-uh-football/

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Bolivia protest revives road row

Hundreds of protesters have arrived in Bolivia's main city, La Paz, to demand the government resume the construction of a controversial road through an Amazon reserve.

President Evo Morales cancelled the project last year after a similar protest march by indigenous tribes.

They said the road would destroy their rainforest homeland.

But other communities say the highway would bring much-needed economic development to the Bolivian Amazon.

The protesters in favour of the road through the Isiboro-Secure reserve - known as Tipnis - marched for more than 40 days from their home communities to demand the government change its position.

Clashes broke out as they tried to force their way through riot police blocking the approaches to La Paz's main square, where the presidential palace is located.

"The road means development for San Ignacio de Moxos, where we live in isolation, and development for Bolivia," protester David Ibanez told the AFP news agency.

Political motive?

Opposition groups say the march in favour of the road was instigated by supporters of President Morales.

Some of those marching are coca-growers from the Chapare region around Villa Tunari, where Mr Morales began his political career as a union leader.

They have been accused of backing the road project in the hope of occupying new lands in the Tipnis reserve to grow coca - the raw material for cocaine.

President Morales cancelled the highway last October in the face of a march by indigenous communities from Tipnis that gained widespread support nationwide.

He had previously insisted that it was vital for national development, but backed down as the protest gathered strength.

The road project was being funded by Brazil to link the Brazilian Amazon to ports on the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/world-latin-america-16804399

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Japan population seen falling 30 percent by 2060 (Reuters)

TOKYO (Reuters) ? Japan's population is expected to fall by 30 percent to below 90 million by 2060, with two out of every five people 65 or older, a government agency said on Monday, underlining the financial burden looming over the fast-aging society.

The grim forecast underscores the failure of efforts to encourage people to have more babies and will add urgency to efforts on tax and social security reform, and could also stir debate on immigration.

By 2060, the number of people aged 14 or younger is forecast to be less than 8 million while there will be nearly 35 million people aged 65 or older.

The population is aging at the fastest pace among developed countries because of a low birthrate and long life expectancy.

"The trend of the aging society will continue and it is hard to expect the birth rate to rise significantly," Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told a news conference.

"Thus, comprehensive tax and social security reform is needed."

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has vowed to double a 5 percent sales tax in two stages by October 2015 to help fund bulging social security costs, which are rising by 1 trillion yen ($13 billion) a year and aggravating a public debt already twice the size of Japan's $5 trillion economy.

But the biggest opposition party, although agreeing on the need for a tax increase, is threatening to block legislation in parliament's upper house. The opposition argues that the ruling Democrats' plan to revamp public pensions would require a higher levy than planned.

The population is expected to fall below 100 million in 2048 and dip further to 86.74 million by 2060, from 128.06 million in 2010, according to a projection by a research arm of the Health Ministry.

By 2060, the number of people aged 14 or younger is forecast to fall by more than half, to 7.91 million. By contrast, the number aged 65 or older is seen rising 18 percent to 34.64 million, accounting for 39.9 percent of the population, compared with 23.0 percent in 2010.

The pace of aging has slowed somewhat from the previous estimate made in 2006 but the overall trend has not changed.


The fertility rate, the expected number of children born per couple, is expected to reach 1.35 in 2060 from 1.39 in 2010, below the 2.08 needed to keep the population from shrinking and compared with a global rate of about 2.5.

Some experts have called for the liberalization of immigration rules but many Japanese are cautious about opening the door to foreigners who, many believe, have trouble assimilating in a society where homogeneity has been seen as a source of stability.

Hidenori Suezawa, chief strategist at SMBC Nikko Securities, said the government needed to tackle the sluggish birth rate to help fix the nation's tattered finances and social security system.

"It is necessary to reaffirm that policies to address the low birth rate are an urgent and vital issue," he said in a note.

Japan has been trying for at least two decades to raise the birth rate without success and critics say making it easier for women to work and raise children at the same time is key.

The ruling Democrats promised to beef up childcare allowances when it took power for the first time in 2009 but it has had to revise that pledge because of a worsening fiscal problem.

The population estimate also showed that average life expectancy will rise by more than four years in 2060, to 84.19 for men and 90.93 for women.

The population projection is compiled roughly every five years based on data including a census and demographic statistics and serves as a reference for government social security policy.

($1 = 76.7350 yen)

(Reporting by Tetsushi Kajimoto; Additional reporting by Kaori Kaneko; Editing by Chris Gallagher and Robert Birsel)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/japan/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120130/wl_nm/us_japan_economy_aging

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Romney would rank among richest presidents ever (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Just how rich is Mitt Romney? Add up the wealth of the last eight presidents, from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama. Then double that number. Now you're in Romney territory.

He would be among the richest presidents in American history if elected ? probably in the top four.

He couldn't top George Washington who, with nearly 60,000 acres and more than 300 slaves, is considered the big daddy of presidential wealth. After that, it gets complicated, depending how you rate Thomas Jefferson's plantation, Herbert Hoover's millions from mining or John F. Kennedy's share of the vast family fortune, as well as the finer points of factors like inflation adjustment.

But it's safe to say the Roosevelts had nothing on Romney, and the Bushes are nowhere close.

The former Massachusetts governor has disclosed only the broad outlines of his wealth, putting it somewhere from $190 million to $250 million. That easily could make him 50 times richer than Obama, who falls in the still-impressive-to-most-of-us range of $2.2 million to $7.5 million.

"I think it's almost hard to conceptualize what $250 million means," said Shamus Khan, a Columbia University sociologist who studies the wealthy. "People say Romney made $50,000 a day while not working last year. What do you do with all that money? I can't even imagine spending it. Well, maybe ..."

Of course, an unbelievable boatload of bucks is just one way to think of Romney's net worth, and the 44 U.S. presidents make up a pretty small pond for him to swim in. Put alongside America's 400 or so billionaires, Romney wouldn't make a ripple.

So here's a look where Romney's riches rank ? among the most flush Americans, the White House contenders, and the rest of us:

_Within the 1 percent:

"Romney is small potatoes compared with the ultra-wealthy," said Jeffrey Winters, a political scientist at Northwestern University who studies the nation's elites.

After all, even in the rarefied world of the top 1 percent, there's a big difference between life at the top and at the bottom.

A household needs to bring in roughly $400,000 per year to make the cut. Romney and his wife, Ann, have been making 50 times that ? more than $20 million a year. In 2009, only 8,274 federal tax filers had income above $10 million. Romney is solidly within that elite 0.006 percent of all U.S. taxpayers.

Congress is flush with millionaires. Only a few are in the Romney realm, including Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who was the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004. Kerry's ranking would climb much higher if the fortune of his wife, Teresa Heinz, were counted. She is the widow of Sen. John Heinz, heir to the Heinz ketchup fortune.

Further up the ladder, top hedge fund managers can pocket $1 billion or more in a single year.

At the top of the wealth pile sits Bill Gates, worth $59 billion, according to Forbes magazine's estimates.

_As a potential president:

Romney clearly stands out here. America's super rich generally don't jockey to live in the White House. A few have toyed with the idea, most notably New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whom Forbes ranks as the 12th richest American, worth $19.5 billion. A lesser billionaire, Ross Perot, bankrolled his own third-party campaigns in 1992 and 1996.

Many presidents weren't particularly well-off, especially 19th century leaders such as Abraham Lincoln, James Buchanan and Ulysses S. Grant. Nor was the 33rd president, Harry Truman.

"These things ebb and flow," said sociologist Khan. "It's not the case that all presidents were always rich."

A few former chief executives died in debt, including Thomas Jefferson, ranked in a Forbes study as the third-wealthiest president.

Comparing the landlocked wealth of early Americans such as Washington, Jefferson and James Madison, with today's millionaires is tricky, even setting aside the lack of documentation and economic changes over two centuries.

Research by 24/7 Wall St., a news and analysis website, estimated Washington's wealth at the equivalent of $525 million in 2010 dollars.

Yet Washington had to borrow money to pay for his trip to New York for his inauguration in 1789, according to Dennis Pogue, vice president for preservation at Mount Vernon, Washington's Virginia estate. His money was tied up in land, reaping only a modest cash income after farm expenses.

"He was a wealthy guy, there's no doubt about it," Pogue said, and probably among the dozen richest Virginians of his time. But, "the wealthiest person in America then was nothing in comparison to what these folks are today."

_How does Romney stand next to a regular Joe?

He's roughly 1,800 times richer.

The typical U.S. household was worth $120,300 in 2007, according to the Census Bureau's most recent data, although that number is sure to have dropped since the recession. A typical family's income is $50,000.

Calculations from 24/7 Wall St. of the peak lifetime wealth (or peak so far) of Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama add up to a total $128 million ? while Romney reports assets of up to $250 million.

If you consider only those presidents' assets while in office, without millions earned later from speeches and books, their combined total would be substantially lower, and Romney's riches would leave the pack even further behind.



Forbes' richest presidents list: http://tinyurl.com/82erdyb

24/7 Wall St. on presidents' net worth: http://tinyurl.com/328qyu2


Associated Press writer Stephen Ohlemacher contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120128/ap_on_el_pr/us_how_rich_is_romney

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

[OOC] Neko Neko World

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Did the Galaxy S III just pop up on Samsung's support site?

Seriously, we can't caveat this one enough -- there is no way of knowing if this is in fact the Galaxy S III or, if it is, when it might come to market -- but, it looks like Samsung's "next big smartphone" just made a cameo on the company's support pages. Listed as the GT-i9300, the mystery device reared its head over at the Global Download Center of the United Arab Emerites site. If Sammy is to keep with its naming scheme i93XX would be a flagship device -- the i90XX line was the Galaxy S, i91XX represents the S2 series, while the i9250 and i9220 are the Nexus and Note respectively. As we warned before though, this could be some mid-range device and Samsung could be changing its naming conventions. Or, perhaps, its yet another variation of an existing model. Still, we'll take this as a good sign that Seoul squad has something interesting brewing.

Did the Galaxy S III just pop up on Samsung's support site? originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Jan 2012 17:26:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/01/27/did-the-galaxy-s-iii-just-pop-up-on-samsungs-support-site/

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British police arrest 5 in tabloid bribery probe (AP)

LONDON ? British police searched the offices of Rupert Murdoch's British newspapers Saturday after arresting a police officer and four current and former staff of his tabloid The Sun as part of an investigation into police bribery by journalists.

The arrests spread the scandal over tabloid wrongdoing ? which has already caused the closure of one tabloid, the News of the World ? to a second Murdoch newspaper.

London's Metropolitan Police said two men aged 48 and one aged 56 were arrested on suspicion of corruption early in the morning at homes in and around London. A 42-year-old man was detained later at a London police station.

Murdoch's News Corp. confirmed that all four were current or former Sun employees.

A fifth man, a 29-year-old police officer, was arrested at the London station where he works.

The investigation into whether reporters illegally paid police for information is running parallel to a police inquiry into phone hacking by Murdoch's now-defunct News of the World.

Officers were searching the men's homes and the east London headquarters of the media mogul's British newspapers for evidence.

Police said Saturday's arrests were made as a result of information provided by the Management and Standards Committee of Murdoch's News Corp.

News Corp. said it was cooperating with police.

"News Corporation made a commitment last summer that unacceptable news gathering practices by individuals in the past would not be repeated," it said in a statement.

A dozen people have now been arrested in the bribery probe, though none has yet been charged.

They include former Rebekah Brooks, former chief executive of Murdoch's News International, ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson ? who is also Prime Minister David Cameron's former communications chief ? and journalists from the News of the World and The Sun.

Two of the London police force's top officers resigned in the wake of the revelation last July that the News of the World had eavesdropped on the cell phone voicemail messages of celebrities, athletes, politicians and even an abducted teenager in its quest for stories.

Murdoch shut down the 168-year-old tabloid, and the scandal has triggered a continuing public inquiry into media ethics and the relationship between the press, police and politicians.

An earlier police investigation failed to find evidence hacking went beyond one reporter and a private investigator, but News Corp. has now acknowledged it was much more widespread.

Last week the company agreed to pay damages to 37 hacking victims, including actor Jude Law, soccer star Ashley Cole and British politician John Prescott.


Jill Lawless can be reached at: http://twitter.com/JillLawless

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120128/ap_on_re_eu/eu_britain_phone_hacking

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Friday, January 27, 2012

UK musical to lampoon euro in currency's heartland (Reuters)

BERLIN (Reuters) ? Europe's top politicians and policymakers will need an extra-thick skin this Friday when an irreverent musical turns up on the doorstep to thumb its nose at the embattled euro.

Narrated by an umbrella-toting, finance-savvy Briton, "EuroCrash!" depicts the single European currency's founders - former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and former French President Francois Mitterrand - as a mad couple who enchant wayward countries into joining their "family" in a gingerbread house.

Decor is sparse and live music limited to a piano, but the message the six-strong troupe will take to the European Central Bank's home city of Frankfurt with just over an hour of song and dance is clear -- the euro was doomed from the start.

While a gregarious Kohl and a seductive female incarnation of Mitterrand try to teach their "children" discipline, bad boys Ireland, Greece and Spain busy themselves with individual delusions of grandeur: housing booms, early retirement, and world financial domination.

"But there's no going back from the euro," they sing as their plans crumble. "Regardless of who's getting poorer."

The slapstick show wheels out various protagonists of the euro zone debt crisis that left one Berlin audience laughing aloud, giggling at an oompah homage to the Bundesbank and an appearance by U.S. ratings agencies dressed as cowboy yodelers.

It also contains a trove of insider jokes for euro history buffs: a dance of the "currency snake," references to ECB leadership struggles, and Britain's 1992 crash out of the euro's precursor, the exchange rate mechanism.

It remains to be seen whether the theatrical reverence for the German mark and its victory over the euro will resound with audiences beyond euro-nerds, but writer David Shirreff already has his sights set on Brussels and possibly Athens.

A Berlin-based foreign correspondent, Shirreff insists the show is not prophetic and he does not want the currency to fail, despite lamenting what he calls the euro's poor groundwork.

"The show's a warning -- but I'm sure it will all be fine now, especially with Angela in charge," he said, referring to current German Chancellor Angela Merkel's leadership in fighting the crisis.

The show will play at Frankfurt's House of Finance from January 27 to 29th, before heading to London in February. Tickets are available at www.frankfurt-ticket.de

(Writing by Brian Rohan)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/europe/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120126/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_ecb_musical

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When Antivirus Firms Can't Tell They've Been Hacked, We're All Doomed [Security]

Symantec has been scrabbling around trying address a security breach from 2006 that came to light recently. But the fact that the company wasn't sure its was hacked in the first place doesn't exactly inspire confidence. More »

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

[OOC] Demon Society

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

E-Textbooks Should Be Free-Textbooks

After the Thursday announcement, I used my Twitter account to conduct an informal survey of whether teachers actually thought poor textbook quality was holding them back. They turned out to have plenty of complaints, but none were about the lack of Keynote animations. Teachers complain the books have incorrect or poorly written information?a problem Apple likely won?t fix. Much more troubling, said my teacher correspondents, are problems of cost and supply. Textbooks are very expensive, and many school districts cope with that problem by economizing on new purchases, leaving students with damaged or outdated ones. If these are the real problems we have with textbooks, digital texts could be a godsend.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=f10e3b09d5c1929c2ae3abbe8c49e97b

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Supreme Court Says Warrant Required for GPS Tracking (See correction below) (Theagitator)

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Heidi Klum And Seal Separate: Watch Their TV Interviews And Appearances (VIDEO)

After a weekend of speculation, Heidi Klum and Seal confirmed that they are separating late Sunday night after nearly seven years of marriage.

The "Project Runway" host and the Grammy-winning singer have four children together and were a staple of every award show red carpet since they started seeing each other. In fact, at the 2010 Emmys pre-show, "The Bachelor" host Chris Harrison called them "the most beautiful couple ever in the history of couples."

Throughout their almost decade together, Klum and Seal were not at all private about their romance on the small screen; the supermodel notoriously shared arguably too much information about their sex life during interviews.

From Seal telling Oprah that his priorities are his "wife, then the family, then career" in 2007 to their duet at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show to Klum telling Ellen, ?A lot of things drive me crazy about him? less than a year ago, click through the slideshow below to see the evolution of their relationship on TV.

Heidi Klum: 'Late Night With Jimmy Fallon' (10/31/2011)

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Heidi Klum: 'Late Night With Jimmy Fallon' (10/31/2011)

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/23/heidi-klum-and-seal-separate-tv-interviews_n_1222742.html

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Peru gov't bans trips abroad for terror convicts (AP)

LIMA, Peru ? Peru's President Ollanta Humala has signed a law forbidding judges to let people convicted of terrorism-related crimes leave the country while on parole.

The law that takes effect Saturday was prompted by controversy over the case of a New York woman, Lori Berenson.

She is on parole after serving 15 years on a conviction of aiding leftist rebels in an alleged plot to take over Peru's Congress. Her sentence ends in 2015.

Many Peruvians were outraged when a judge let her take a 17-day trip to New York for the holidays. She honored conditions of the parole and returned Jan. 5.

Official reports show that three Chilean parolees also were allowed to make brief trips abroad in recent years.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/terrorism/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120121/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_peru_terrorism

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Republican Presidential Candidates on Repealing Obamacare (ContributorNetwork)

In March, the Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health care reform legislation, Obamacare. The court must determine whether the individual mandate component of the law, which effectively forces Americans to buy health insurance, is a power extended by the Congress' ability to regulate interstate commerce.

At the most recent South Carolina GOP debate, the Republican presidential candidates had an opportunity to voice their opinions on Obamacare. Here is what they said, according to a debate transcript provided by the Chicago Sun-Times:

* Mitt Romney

: "We have to go after a complete repeal. And that's going to have to happen with a House and a Senate, hopefully that are Republican. If we don't have a Republican majority, I think we're going to be able to convince some Democrats that when the American people stand up loud and clear and say, we do not want Obamacare, we do not want the higher taxes, we do not want a $500 billion cut in Medicare to pay for Obamacare. I think you're going to see the American people stand with our president and say, let's get rid of Obamacare."

* Newt Gingrich: "You have to elect a House, a Senate and a president committed to that (repealing the legislation). It has to be a major part of the fall campaign. And I think that, frankly, on our side with any of us, it's going to be a major part of the fall campaign. The American people are frightened of bureaucratic centralized medicine, they deeply distrust Washington, and the pressure will be to repeal it. ? Why is President Obama for young people being allowed to stay on their parents' insurance until 26? Because he can't get any jobs for them to go out and buy their own insurance. I mean, I have an offer to the parents of America: Elect us, and your kids will be able to move out, because they'll have work."

* Rick Santorum: "The core of Obamacare is an individual mandate. It is what is being litigated in the Supreme Court right now. It is government top-down telling every business and every American what kind of health care that you will have. That is the problem with Obamacare at the core of it. And the speaker supported it repeatedly for a 10-year period. So when he goes and says, I can, you know, run rings around President Obama in a Lincoln-Douglas debate, you can't run rings around the fact, Newt, that you supported the primary core basis of what President Obama's put in place."

* Ron Paul: "I had the privilege of practicing medicine in the early '60s, before we had any government. It worked rather well, and there was nobody on the street suffering with no medical care. But Medicare and Medicaid came in and it just expanded. But even when we had the chance to cut back on it, when we had a Republican Congress and a Republican president, we gave them prescription drug programs. Senator Santorum supported it. You know, that's expanding the government! ?We will get rid of all this government program, unfortunately because we're going bankrupt and you're going to have runaway inflation and our checks are going to bounce. And that's going to be a lot worse problem than we're facing tonight."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20120121/pl_ac/10864077_republican_presidential_candidates_on_repealing_obamacare

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Gingrich: Romney "bouncing around" without message (cbsnews)

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Poorest smokers face toughest odds for kicking the habit

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Quitting smoking is never easy. However, when you're poor and uneducated, kicking the habit for good is doubly hard, according to a new study by a tobacco dependence researcher at The City College of New York (CCNY).

Christine Sheffer, associate medical professor at CCNY's Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, tracked smokers from different socioeconomic backgrounds after they had completed a statewide smoking cessation program in Arkansas.

Whether rich or poor, participants managed to quit at about the same rate upon completing a program of cognitive behavioral therapy, either with or without nicotine patches. But as time went on, a disparity between the groups appeared and widened.

Those with the fewest social and financial resources had the hardest time staving off cravings over the long run. "The poorer they are, the worse it gets," said Professor Sheffer, who directed the program and was an assistant professor with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences at the time.

She found that smokers on the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic ladder were 55 percent more likely than those at the upper end to start smoking again three months after treatment. By six months post-quitting, the probability of their going back to cigarettes jumped to two-and-a-half times that of the more affluent smokers. The research will be published in the March 2012 issue of the American Journal of Public Health and will appear ahead-of-print online under the journal's "First Look" section.

In their study, Professor Sheffer and her colleagues noted that overall, Americans with household incomes of $15,000 or less smoke at nearly three times the rate of those with incomes of $50,000 or greater. The consequences are bleak. "Smoking is still the greatest cause of preventable death and disease in the United States today," noted Professor Sheffer. "And it's a growing problem in developing countries."

Harder to Stay Away

Professor Sheffer suggested reasons it may be harder for some to give up tobacco forever.

Smoking relieves stress for those fighting nicotine addiction, so it is life's difficulties that often make them reach for the cigarette pack again. Unfortunately, those on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale suffer more hardships than those at the top ? in the form of financial difficulties, discrimination, and job insecurity, to name a few. And for those smokers who started as teenagers, they may have never learned other ways to manage stress, said Professor Sheffer.

For people with lower socioeconomic status (SES), it can be tougher to avoid temptation as well. "Lower SES groups, with lower paying jobs, aren't as protected by smoke-free laws," said Sheffer, so individuals who have quit can find themselves back at work and surrounded by smokers. Also fewer of them have no-smoking policies in their homes.

These factors are rarely addressed in standard treatment programs. "The evidence-based treatments that are around have been developed for middle-class patients," Professor Sheffer pointed out. "So (in therapy) we talk about middle-class problems."

Further research would help determine how the standard six sessions of therapy might be altered or augmented to help. "Our next plan is to take the results of this and other studies and apply what we learned to revise the approach, in order to better meet the needs of poor folks," she said. "Maybe there is a better arrangement, like giving 'booster sessions'. Not everybody can predict in six weeks all the stresses they will have later on down the road."

"Some people say [quitting] is the most difficult thing in their life to do," said Sheffer. "If we better prepare people with more limited resources to manage the types of stress they have in their lives, we'd get better results. "


City College of New York: http://www2.ccny.cuny.edu

Thanks to City College of New York for this article.

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ethiopia: Journalists, politician found guilty (AP)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia ? An Ethiopian court on Thursday found three journalists, a politician and a politician's assistant guilty of conspiring to commit acts of terrorism, in a case that drew rebukes from rights groups who fear the country's anti-terrorism law is being used to suppress dissent.

The five were charged under Ethiopia's controversial anti-terrorism laws. Government spokesman Shimeles Kemal has said they were involved in planning attacks on infrastructure, telecommunications and power lines.

Alemu Gobebo, a private lawyer and a father of one of the defendants, called the case politically motivated. The five will be sentenced Jan. 26. They could face the death penalty.

Among the three journalist convicted were Reeyot Alemu, a columnist for the independent weekly Fetah and a former opposition member; Elias Kifle, editor-in-chief of a U.S.-based opposition website, who was tried in absentia; and Wubshet Taye, deputy editor-in-chief of the recently closed-down weekly newspaper Awramba Times.

International rights groups have been calling for the release of the journalists. Ethiopia recently found two Swedish reporters guilty of supporting terrorism and sentenced them to 11 years in prison.

Ethiopia has arrested close to 200 people, among them journalists and opposition politicians and members, under last year's anti-terrorism proclamation.

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, more journalists have fled Ethiopia than any other country in the world.

Amnesty International said it does not believe there is any evidence that the five were guilty of any criminal wrongdoing. Claire Beston, the group's Ethiopia researcher, called the five "prisoners of conscience." She said a significant amount of the prosecution's evidence relied on the defendants' reporting of and alleged involvement in calls for peaceful protest against the government.

Human Rights Watch said the anti-terrorism law violates free expression and due process rights.

"The verdict against these five people confirms that Ethiopia's anti-terrorism law is being used to crush independent reporting and peaceful political dissent," said Leslie Lefkow, senior Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. "The Ethiopian courts are complicit in this political witch-hunt."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/africa/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120119/ap_on_re_af/af_ethiopia_journalists

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GOP leaders slow to embrace Romney ? or his rivals (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Mitt Romney may be the front-runner for the GOP nomination for president, but he has yet to win over most of the national party leaders whose help he will need to defeat President Barack Obama in November.

The upside for Romney: They aren't supporting anyone else either.

The Associated Press has polled 87 members of the Republican National Committee who are to attend the party's national convention this summer as free agent delegates, able to support any candidate for president they choose, regardless of what happens in the primaries.

The results: Romney got support from 14, far more than anyone else but hardly a stampede of endorsements. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry got two each, while Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum each got one. The poll was completed before Perry dropped out of the race Thursday.

Sixty-seven of the RNC members contacted by the AP said they were undecided or simply waiting to see how the race plays out before making a public endorsement.

"If I thought there was someone who stood head and shoulders above everyone else, I would have endorsed," said Jeff Johnson, an RNC member and county commissioner from Minnesota. "I see pluses in all of them, but I decided not to come out in favor of anybody."

Pennsylvania GOP Chairman Robert Gleason said he saw no reason to endorse anyone because a competitive primary is good for the party and the eventual nominee by vetting the candidate while generating publicity and excitement about the race.

"It's working out great for us, and one of these people that is competing with (Romney) could end up being vice president," Gleason said. "I'm pleased with the way things are developing. We're getting all the publicity. It's been pretty favorable for us."

Romney appeared to finish slightly ahead of Santorum in the hours after the Iowa caucuses Jan. 3. However, the Iowa GOP certified vote totals Thursday showing Santorum ahead of Romney. The party decided not to declare a winner because of problems with a few precinct reports.

Romney won handily in New Hampshire last week, and he leads his Republican rivals in the polls nationally and in South Carolina, which votes Saturday. Still, the former Massachusetts governor has been unable to solidify support from many Republicans, some of whom question his conservative credentials.

Stephen Scheffler, an RNC member from Iowa, said he would support Romney if he were the nominee, but he's not excited about the prospect, despite Romney's finish in Iowa.

"He doesn't want to talk to certain segments of the Republican Party," Scheffler said of Romney. "If he's the nominee and they open all these victory offices across Iowa, it's going to be pretty challenging to find volunteers."

Each state plus the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories gets three members on the Republican National Committee. All of them are automatically invited to attend the party's national convention in Tampa, Fla., in August, with a few exceptions. The RNC members from New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, Michigan and Arizona have been excluded ? for now ? as part of the penalties they received for holding primaries earlier than party rules allowed.

In many states, RNC members must support the winner of primaries or caucuses in their states. The AP identified 37 states and territories in which the RNC members will be free to support any candidate they choose.

AP reporters started contacting the 111 RNC delegates from these states after Romney won the New Hampshire primary. They were able to reach nearly 80 percent of them.

The RNC delegates make up less than 5 percent of the 2,286 delegates slated to attend the GOP convention, giving them little power to determine the nominee. But these party leaders will be expected to provide manpower, money, local connections and expertise this fall, when the GOP nominee will rely on the party faithful to help defeat Obama.

It will take 1,144 delegates to win the GOP nomination. Romney now has 33 delegates, including those won in primaries and caucuses as well as endorsements from RNC members. Santorum is next with 13.

Joseph Trillo, a state lawmaker and RNC member from Rhode Island, said his support for Romney comes down to political pragmatism.

"He's the only one who I know can beat Obama," Trillo said.

Herbert Schoenbohm, the GOP chairman in the Virgin Islands, said that beating Obama is important, but his support for Romney goes much deeper.

"I'm for (Romney) because he has the best leadership skills," Schoenbohm said in a phone interview. "He made it work in Massachusetts, and that was hard to do in a Democratic state."

Lawrence Kadish, an RNC member from Long Island, N.Y., challenged that assessment, saying Gingrich "towers head and shoulders over those other candidates. I don't view Mr. Romney as having a deep rudder, but he's OK."


Lauren Johnert, Associated Press deputy manager for election research and quality control, contributed to this report, along with AP writers Pat Condon in St. Paul, Minn., Marc Levy in Harrisburg, Pa., Mike Glover in Des Moines, Iowa, David Klepper in Providence, R.I., and George M. Walsh in Albany, N.Y.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120120/ap_on_el_pr/us_gop_superdelegates

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Friday, January 20, 2012

GOP's anti-immigration tone alienating Hispanics

Published: Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012 11:07 p.m. MST

By Jeri Clausing, Associated Press

ALBUQUERQUE ? The Republican Party is beefing up its minority outreach nationwide and preparing to put its rising Latino stars on the campaign trail amid concerns that tough immigration rhetoric in the presidential primary is taking on an increasingly anti-Hispanic tone.

But immigrant-rights groups and some political watchers say the damage may be irreversible. They argue that the GOP has severely hampered itself as it looks to woo the critical Latino voting bloc that could decide who wins key states such as New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Florida next fall.

Mitt Romney "is done," said DeeDee Blase, founder of Somos Republicans in Arizona. "He'll be lucky to get 8 percent of the Hispanic vote" after saying he would veto legislation that would create a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants and accepting the endorsement of anti-immigration activist Kris Kobach, architect of two of the strongest immigration crackdown laws in the country.

The GOP front-runner, Romney has referred to the legislation ? called the DREAM Act ? as a handout. The measure would allow some young illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to earn legal status if they went to college or joined the military. Challengers, including Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Rep. Ron Paul, have also taken tough anti-immigration stances in the campaign.

Language from them has been so sharp that even New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, a Republican, has warned the candidates to watch their tongues.

"What we have to do is this: We have to tone down the rhetoric, and we have to have a sincere, honest conversation with the voters," Martinez said Wednesday, shortly after the Republican National Committee announced that it had hired a director of Hispanic outreach and was expanding its Latino-focused efforts. She's among the popular Hispanic politicians Republicans will deploy to battleground states in the coming months.

There's a reason for the urgent tone coming from Republican leaders on this matter.

The government projects Hispanics will account for roughly 30 percent of the population by 2050, doubling in size and boosting their political power. Overall, Hispanics traditionally tilt Democrat, meaning the Republican Party is looking at a threat to their future power if they don't work to make inroads with this politically pivotal group now.

Source: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700216453/GOPs-anti-immigration-tone-alienating-Hispanics.html?s_cid=rss-5

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

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Cast of MTV's The Buried Life Reveal Book Cover, Inside Artwork! (omg!)

Cast of MTV's The Buried Life Reveal Book Cover, Inside Artwork!

First they played basketball at the White House with President Obama, then they asked out Taylor Swift, and now the cast of MTV's The Buried Life have set their sights a little higher: They want to make the New York Times Bestseller List!

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Releasing their first book, What Do You Want to Do Before You Die?, on March 20, Ben Nemtin, Jonnie Penn, Duncan Penn and Dave Lingwood are attempting to cross off No. 19 on their list of 100 fulfilling things they want to do before they die.

And their project appears to be off to a good start. Shortly after making their book available for pre-sale orders on Amazon.com Tuesday, the four co-authors found their work ranking among the top 10 most motivational books on the e-commerce site.

In addition to highlighting life "bucket lists" from fans worldwide through illustrations, the group -- who is currently working with MTV to develop a new TV series and a movie -- also included inspirational stories and detailed their own struggles experienced while chasing their dreams.

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"When we started Buried Life we all got inspired by different things that made us?believe we could do anything.?We gave ourself permission to go after our biggest dreams.?We want this book to give that feeling to anyone who reads it," says coauthor Nemtin, who has been collecting materials for the tome over the last five years.

The group tells Us they were especially inspired by stories like Jonnie Penn's interaction with a woman whose life goal was to travel across the Atlantic Ocean in a rowboat, or that of Jamie Tworkowski, who founded the charity To Write Love on Her Arms.

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"The weird thing about the question 'What do you want to do before you die?' is you get answers you honestly can't believe because they're heartbreaking, offensive, funny or so ambitious," Jonnie Penn tells Us. "Each dream [included] is a glimpse into some extraordinary person's life."

To pre-order the group's first book, visit Amazon.com.

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Cast of MTV's The Buried Life Reveal Book Cover, Inside Artwork!

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